"Stop Wasting Time in the Gym—Discover our Proven Training & Fat Loss Strategies That Deliver Real Results in Half the Time..."

This One Grievous Mistake Could Be Holding You Back Too—

Watch the Video Below...

"Are You Part of the 90% of Bodybuilders

& Gym Goers that are Training Hard & Eating Right But Seeing Little or Minimal Gains?

Here's what we offer:

TAP Personal Training & Coaching

Let's start with a few questions...

  • Do you want to build more muscle, bring up lagging body parts and finally see measurable results each and every workout?

  • Are you stuck in your current routine? Bored? Feel like nothing works?

  • Are you constantly trying new things and getting the same minimal results?

  • Are you new or just getting serious with your workout program and don't know what to try first? You copied what the 'freaks' are doing, but still have very little to show for it in terms of size and muscularity?

  • Maybe you hired trainers before and even though you did exactly what they instructed, it didn't seem to work any better than anything you did before?

  • Is your eating plan up and down? You're not sure exactly what to eat or when to eat it in order achieve your bodybuilding or fat loss goals?

If you answered yes to any or all of the above, don't sweat it...

My PT & Coaching program is designed for someone just like you. It's based on this one principle - Getting bigger and leaner can come from any workout program... (Please read that last statement again.) But the real secret is to know what to do when your routine stops working. Spoiler alert: any and all routines eventually stop producing results. My strategy reveals what correct changes to make so you can shock your body out of stagnancy.

Your body is an adaptation machine. It will adapt to any stress you give it in the gym. This means whatever you do, your muscle fibers and nervous system will adapt to it. It will stop responding in terms of producing more muscle fibers when it adapts to your existing exercise routine. In other words, your results will plateau. You will stop building muscle or losing body fat when your body adapts to what you are doing in the gym.

When this happens, most people will try one of two things. 1) They will either increase the frequency and/or volume (i.e, they do more exercises, more sets and/or more reps), or 2) they switch the program, change their split and begin doing different exercises. In essence, randomly searching for that magical potion and combination that will finally produce visual change! Unfortunately, this rarely works. It's based on the false premise of 'luck' and 'more' is better'. More sets, more reps, more volume, etc. More can be better in some cases, but only after careful consideration of overtraining, adaptation response, and how one's particular body responds to the many different exercise and stress factors involved in the process.

This is why you should never choose a program because it worked for 10 other people. What you're doing, what you've done in the past, how and why your body responds to specific stimulus in the gym and variables in your diet must all first be determined before switching to a new exercise agenda. Then and only then do you make the decision to add, subtract or multiply sets/reps.

This is why before I give you a program, I analyze, test and then prescribe. No fluff. No gimmicks. Just relentless effort and precision coaching that produces real, measurable results.

My One-on-one Personal Training & Coaching formula is not only designed completely around your specific goals, timeline and situation, but it aims to detect, analyze and then prescribe the perfect strategy.

This formula has been time tested and use hundreds of times with many clients, and it uncovers exactly where your body is right now and determines what changes it needs to knock it out of 'stagnancy' stage so you can begin to see results in your physique, immediately.

Of course you get complete instruction, supervision and feedback for every rep, set and workout. I then study how your body responds, suggest improvements and direct you to take action accordingly.

My Personal Training & Coaching packages come with the following:

  • You get complete analyzation of your entire bodybuilding vitae. I dig into your diet, you current and past workouts and your supplementation.

  • You get a complete customized program, with step-by-step instruction and regular (minimum weekly) follow up.

  • You get personal contact, daily text exchange and weekly Zoom check-ins with feedback with instruction.

  • You get over 30 plus years of bodybuilding experience to motivate and inspire you to achieve your goals and help to overcome all the pain and obstacles along the way.

  • You get comprehensive, advanced workout strategies according to your exact goal (weight loss, muscle gain, endurance, bodybuilding, program reconstruction, conditioning, etc.)

  • You get science-backed weight training and cardio instruction not 'roll of the dice' or 'throw it against the wall' programs.

  • You get a customized eating plan and nutrition advice (nutrition plans available for all goals and objectives.)

  • You get cutting edge supplement strategies and recommendations.

Plus, much more. If you're sick and tired of little or minimal results in the gym for all your hard work... and if you're fed up with the same old hype and gimmicks about getting bigger and leaner, and most important.... if you're ready to make the commitment to participate in some of the most challenging training & dieting methods available, take the first step and schedule a Free Online Coaching Session with me today. Let's discuss your exact goals, get all your questions answered, and point you in the right direction for a plan that is perfectly suited to carry your physique to the next level.

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TAP Fat Loss & Muscle Mass Nutrition Plans

If you haven’t figured it out already, ‘eyeballing’ food measurements doesn’t work to achieve your bodybuilding nutrition goals. Just cutting out 'the junk' doesn't work either. Nor does trying to just burn it off with cardio or activity.

Having a step-by-step plan with the exact macros you need to either build pure muscle on a muscle-building eating plan, or lose fat on a shred diet, is absolutely essential. The right macros are the make or break when it comes to seeing a real difference in the mirror.

Whether it's building 10-20 pounds of muscle or losing 20-30 pounds of fat, you must dial into your exact nutrition needs and develop a baseline eating plan that brings you daily/weekly, measurable results for the exact goal you have. Your metabolism, discovering how your body responds to certain types of foods, and testing out how your body reacts to carbs and fat are all part of this ever important equation.

This is all part of the process and exactly what I do when developing your customized eating plan. Once I gather the required info about your current eating plan (regardless how bad or inconsistent it may be), and after an extensive interview about your goals and current food intake, within a few days or so you will have a 'total autopilot' meal plan to follow. One that will allow you to begin seeing the changes you want in your physique within days.

What about supplements? Do you really need every supplement under the sun? Definitely not. But there are some essential ones that can assist you when taken correctly and at the right time. So I also provide supplementation advice for all goals and eating plans as well.

Schedule your Free Online Coaching Session with me here to discuss your specific nutrition goals and let's get you on track for peak conditioning!

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TAP 'Heavy Duty' Style Programs

Introducing the most grueling and challenging exercise sessions you may ever experience...

'Heavy Duty' (HD) or High-Intensity Training (HIT) has an underlying philosophy popularized and named by Mike Mentzer, one the bodybuilding greats of the 70's and 80's.

I had the privilege of being coached personally by Mike Mentzer for several years in the mid 1990's for both offseason and contest preparation. Having done thousands of HD personal training sessions since with all sorts of bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts, and taking what I learned from working with Mike, I've developed a powerful, modified version of this method.

I'm happy to say the core principles of this system have worked for every single person who has followed my advice and applied them correctly. And they can work for you too, if you truly have what it takes to perform the workouts with 100% effort.

I say this without reserve - if you're not ready to endure extremely demanding and brutally exhausting sets to complete failure, both physically and mentally, I wouldn't suggest trying HD right away.

HD is not for everyone. These workouts are performed with 100% intensity. You will be stretched. You will be sore. You will need rest. However, if you endure and stick with it and you will see the greatest gains you ever experienced in the gym.

I personally have seen people add 10-20 pounds of muscle in their first 6 months of adding HD workouts into their regimen. I myself have been using this method for 30 years and have added close to 40 pounds of lean muscle to my frame.

Don't think these workouts are long or filled with dozens of sets. The philosophy is based on brief, intense workouts with several rest days per week.

What sort of results will you get? It all depends on your effort, mindset, genetics and potential. But I can guarantee you will reach your maximum potential and capability in the shortest time possible with these workouts. I have yet to see anything match them in terms of pure, measurable results in terms of size and strength gains.

If you're ready to break through your plateau and begin to bring in new gains like never before, schedule a Free Coaching Session with me to discuss what a HD workout would look like for your goals and experience. You won't be disappointed.

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TAP 'Peeled' Contest Preparation & Coaching

Going through a 16-20 week contest prep is one of the most challenging things an athlete can do - and stepping on stage is one of the most exciting things! There's no greater feeling than accomplishing the task of stepping on stage, and most importantly, presenting your best package. On the other hand, there's not a more dreadful feeling than missing the mark.

No one plans to show up flat, out of shape, or a few weeks short of bringing your best package. However, it happens. This is why the first time novice to even the most seasoned competitor needs an experienced coach for evaluation, strategy, goal setting, and checks and balances.

This is where we come in. You get over 30 years experience in bodybuilding competition and contest prep that takes you by the hand from day one right up until show day and beyond.

My goal isn't to mass produce prep clients. You’re not just getting a diet, weekly check-ins and physique critiques. You're getting a 100% completely customized strategy catered to your exact situation and timeline.

The list below is completely unique to your individual needs.

Pre-contest Coaching Package (20-24 Weeks Out Recommended)

  • Full body/split personalized weight training program & cardio (if needed) with weekly modifications

  • Daily/weekly exercise critique(s) with feedback/notes

  • Eating plan (exact macros) for specific goals with updates with weekly diet modifications

  • Peak week preparation (exact eating plan, carb deplete, carb load, training program, daily oversight and modifications)

  • Physique critique, mandatory poses, posing routine, progress reports & weekly via in person (at Iron Revolution Gym, private studio or video)

  • Supplement advice and instruction

  • Unlimited Q & A via text (Slack)

  • Show day and day prior - hourly progress critiques Includes backstage coaches ticket for day of the show (if under $75)

  • Backstage prep, coaching and pump up for the entire show day (Includes travel to the show if within 25 miles of Howell Township, NJ. Does not include hotel room if you want Pat to stay at the hotel the night of the show.)

  • Post show consultation and reverse diet tips and instruction

  • Plus much more!

I work with only a few athletes at a time, and before we agree to work together, we will conduct a brief interview and free strategy session to make sure it's a good fit. Schedule your Free Coaching Session with me here.

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TAP Posing Instruction

Improper posing is something the judges cannot unsee. Posing can make or break a top five placing, even be the deciding factor on a close finish.

Posing is more than just mastering the mandatories. Each pose must be done ‘unconsciously’. This takes confidence and practice. It also requires endurance, energy, balance and poise. All difficult things can be learned but must be practiced!

Whether you're a novice or experienced competitor, having another set of experienced eyes to guide and finesse your posing routine is a must.

Not only will I teach you all of the mandatories for your division, but will also personally help you craft a winning presentation putting the mandies in a precise flow that shows your best body parts and hides any weaknesses.

I recommend beginning this at least 6-8 months out from your competition, but if you are closer to your competition, don't leave your posing to the last minute. Don't put this off until the final weeks. Schedule a Free Coaching Session to discuss your posing needs with me today!

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The Trainers

Pat Necerato, CPT, CNC, BBS, OCS

Pat’s been in the bodybuilding world since the late 1980’s, competing in over 10 shows in the 90’s and personal training, coaching and consulting with hundreds ever since.

Pat, an ISSA Elite Trainer CPT, CNC, BBS, OCS (Online Coaching Specialist), is recognized for implementing high intense bodybuilding & training strategies. His main focus is fat loss, bodybuilding contest prep, 'Heavy Duty' workouts, and custom nutrition plans.

Pat was coached personally by Mike Mentzer for several years in the mid 1990's and has formulated and implemented a powerful variation of the ‘Heavy Duty’ personal training philosophy ever since.

Zoe Necerato, CSCS, CPT

Zoe was one of the youngest to get certified by NASM at only 17 yrs of age. She recently finished her undergraduate in Kinesiology and has been a freelance personal trainer for 4 years.

Zoe is Pat’s oldest daughter and has been born and bred in the sport of bodybuilding.

She specializes in customized, lifestyle fat loss programs, personalized weight training programs for athletes and bodybuilders, and is a bikini and wellness posing coaching.

Zoe is also a competitive powerlifter and a member of the USAPL.


"Posing help was awesome!"

“Pat, thanks so much for the help mastering

the mandatories and with my posing routine!”

Sean Hegel

1st Place Novice Lightweight Division, OCB Double Down Natural

"I'm so proud of the package we brought to the stage!"

“I just wanna thank you both so so so much for everything - I couldn’t have done it without you guys and I’m so glad we’re a team❤️ I can’t wait for more!!!! Definitely excited for the future and I’m so proud of the package we brought to the stage :)“

Macy Madia, Wellness Competitor

3rd Place Novice Wellness Division, 3rd Place Open, OCB Battle for the Belt

"Thankful for the mentor you've been..."

“I’m so glad to have you along on this journey. Being able to actually train with you now regularly gets me excited for the future. I am so happy with how far I progressed. Thankful for you and the mentor you’ve been to me both in and out of the gym.”

Josh Canfield, Men’s Physique/Classic Competitor

Frequently Asked Questions

What will I get with the Free Online Coaching Session?

You and I will meet on Zoom for about 20-30 minutes & discuss your current program, your goals and any frustrations you're having with your current exercise and nutrition program. I will answer all your questions and show you exactly how and why the proven bodybuilding & dieting strategy I've been using for decades actually works. Most importantly, how it can get you into the peak condition and make serious progress, mostly likely in half the time. Schedule here.

Do you offer 'in person' coaching or just online coaching?

For the Free Coaching Session, we do that online. However, if you live in the NJ area we can meet in person regularly at a local gym.

How brutal are the workouts and how many days per week will I need to train?

The workouts are in fact brutally challenging. But they are not extremely long workouts. My typical client trains 3-4 times per week for about 30-45 minutes per workout. It's not the length of the workout that is grueling, it's the intensity. These workouts literally force your body to respond with growth and density.

I've heard of Mike Mentzer and Heavy Duty, what makes working with you different than just following one of his programs online or in his books?

I've taken the basic principles of the HD philosophy and have added to my own secret sauce :-) along with combining the latest bodybuilding research. When combined with my 30 years of personal experience using the core of the HD philosophy, it has enabled me to develop a unique approach and formula that works for nearly every person that applies it with 100% effort. My approach is different for nearly every client and goes much deeper than a one size fits all prescription. HD begins where the person is at in their bodybuilding journey. I may push them up in volume, down in volume or simply keep their volume the same and tweak one of a dozen other things. The one thing that always goes up is the intensity & focus. If you're interested in learning more, I would be glad to go into more detail during a Free Coaching session which I offer to all first time visitors.

Do you offer weight loss programs or just bodybuilding workouts?

Yes, we offer weight loss programs that peel off fat. The nutritional coaching offers comprehensive weight loss (fat loss) programs that are safe and allow you to lose at least 1-2 pounds of fat per week, without losing muscle.

What if I want to bulk or gain weight, what can you do for me?

Yes, you will get an eating and nutrition plan, including supplementation recommendations that will maximize muscle growth in the fastest time possible for your genetics and potential.

How much time do I need to begin prepping for a contest?

Best case scenario would be to begin your prep 20-24 months out from your show date. If you're closer than that we can still help, but the ideal is giving yourself as much time as possible. Dieting may begin 6 months out, but contest prep is actually all year round. If you're considering a show in the future, reach out and let's discuss a timeline sooner than later.

What separates you from all the other online trainers and coaches out there?

For one, I don't take on a lot of clients. I limit myself to no more than allows me to give each and every client 100% effort and personal attention, even daily contact if needed. I make myself available for my clients 24/7 and at least have one formal meeting per week. I prefer to build relationships with my clients, doing all I can to give them the most friendly and comfortable experience possible - and most important, I'm relentless in learning everything about my client's physique, how their body works and how it responds in every given fitness situation.

What does TAP mean? Why TAP Bodybuilding?

TAP into the strategy! You'll want to TAP out during your workouts! My name spelled backwards :-) Seriously, it could mean all that but it really stands for Total Auto Pilot referring to the programs and strategies we use for our clients. When they provide the commitment the results are totally on autopilot from there.

Let's Get to Work. Get In Touch!

Contact us:


Office: Remote in Howell, NJ 07731

Mailing Address:

PO Box 26

Perrineville, NJ 08353

Phone Number:


Howell Township, NJ, USA

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